Xerox printers speak LPR/LPD, so any third party application using such
can be used with them.  (We use NBSpool, but there are others.)  To the
best of my knowledge you cannot print directly to Xerox printers defined
via (say) NPCONFIG.  Other than the third-party consideration, they seem
to print OK.


>>> H Lassiter <[log in to unmask]> 05/24/2001 11:00:53 AM >>>
I have been asked to attend a meeting next week with our accouting
department and a representative from Xerox.  Xerox wants to sell/lease
us a newer copier and it is "network ready".  One problem we have here
is that reports printed on our HP laserjet printer(s) (LJ4Si and LJ
IIID) are difficult to copy on the Xerox equipment.  Something about a
glaze that a laser printer puts on the surface of the paper that
the copies to jam up in a big copier when making multiple copies.
would like to be able to print directly from the HP3000 to the copier.
The speed of the 4Si is not fast enough to just print multiple copies
a spoolfile to obtain the number of copies needed.

Is the functionality available to print directly from an HP3000 to a
Xerox copier over the network?

Has anyone had any experience with this?

Harlan Lassiter
Boyle Engineering Corp.
Newport Beach, CA
[log in to unmask]

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