I believe this is a runtime control block size issue.
The default runtime control block size is 37. You should be able to use
to change this, say to 50. Then go back to IMAGESQL and attach your bases.

                                          TUE, MAY  1, 2001,  1:29 PM
HP36216-02A.G3.15               DBE Utility/3000             ALLBASE/SQL
(C)COPYRIGHT HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,
1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

>> showdbe
DBEnvironment Name: mmiidbe
Maintenance Word:
Output File Name (opt):
-> all

Maintenance word:
DBEnvironment Language:  NATIVE-3000
AutoStart:  ON
User Mode:  MULTI
DDL Enabled:  YES
No. of Runtime Control Block Pages:  37
No. of Data Buffer Pages:  100
Data Buffer Pages Memory Resident:  NO
No. of Log Buffer Pages:  24
Max. Transactions:  50
TurboIMAGE Information File:  MMIIDBCR
Maximum Timeout:  NONE
Default Timeout:  MAXIMUM
Authorize Once per Session:  OFF

-> //

>> altdbe
DBEnvironment Name: mmiidbe
Maintenance Word:
AutoStart mode (on/off) (opt):
User Mode (single/multi) (opt):
DDL Enabled (y/n) (opt):
No. of Runtime Control Block Pages (opt): 50
No. of Data Buffer Pages (opt):
Data Buffer Pages Memory Resident (y/n) (opt):
No. of Log Buffer Pages (opt):
Max. Transactions (opt):
Maximum Timeout (opt):
Default Timeout (opt):
Authorize Once per Session (on/off) (opt):
Alter DBEnvironment Startup Parameters (y/n)? y

DBEnvironment startup parameters altered.

>> showdbe
DBEnvironment Name: mmiidbe
Maintenance Word:
Output File Name (opt):
-> all

Maintenance word:
DBEnvironment Language:  NATIVE-3000
AutoStart:  ON
User Mode:  MULTI
DDL Enabled:  YES
No. of Runtime Control Block Pages:  50
No. of Data Buffer Pages:  100
Data Buffer Pages Memory Resident:  NO
No. of Log Buffer Pages:  24
Max. Transactions:  50
TurboIMAGE Information File:  MMIIDBCR
Maximum Timeout:  NONE
Default Timeout:  MAXIMUM
Authorize Once per Session:  OFF

-> //

>> //
> _____________________________________________________________
> Keven Miller   mailto:[log in to unmask]   http://www.exegesys.com
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eXegeSys eRP Users Conference 2001, Oct. 1-4, Downtown SLC.
Register today by visiting www.exegesys.com/erp2001/welcome.htm

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