On Thu, 3 May 2001 12:47:35 -0400, Jonathan M. Backus
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The one thing you want to be careful about with this example is to make
>sure you allow "parm=-1" on HELLO.  [...]

An alternate would be to put the "bye" command INSIDE of the IF statement.
True, this does reduce security & may cause confusion, but it won't lock
you out [you'll be left at a command prompt if LOGON.CMD.SYS is missing]

Better still (to a degree) would be to include the logic presented in
another message to test if you are a particular user to determine if you
should be logged off when LOGON.CMD.SYS doesn't exist or if you should get
to a command prompt/recovery program [such as the command interface for
road-runner or orbit, thus allowing you to restore a copy of LOGON.CMD.SYS
from tape...]

>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Donna Garverick
>Rich Farrar wrote:
>> I'm trying to set up a simple menu so users can choose after their hello
>> logon [...]

>i'd suggest [...] a logon udc that executes a script.
>i'd further suggest that this udc includes a 'bye' at
>the end (but that's your call....)
[emphasis mine :) -- tom]

>here's an example of a logon udc that does what i've described:
>option logon, nobreak, nolist, nohelp
>if finfo('logon.cmd.sys','exists')
>  xeq logon.cmd.sys

While not as secure as "option logon,nobreak" UDC's, another alternative is
to create "commands" that are menu items.  [I actually saw this done in DOS
on a PC once: someone created the files "menu.bat", "1.bat", "2.bat" and so
on -- "menu.bat" just contained echo statements, "1.bat" executed the
program for menu item 1, 2.bat for item 2, and so on]

The only real problem with this approach is that the HP cannot accept file
names or UDC's beginning with digits [does Posix support non-alpha-initial
characters?] but you can "hide" this by making what appears to be specific
purpose menus, i.e., an "administrative" menu, a "maintenance" menu,
a "report" menu, and so on -- then you can stipulate that all
admin "commands" begin with "A", maint with "M", reports with "R", and so
on.  (The "commands" become A1, A2, A3, M1, M2, R1, R2...)


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