On Wed, 30 May 2001 22:10:57 -0500, Mike <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On 30 May 2001, at 20:43, Dave DeBarger wrote:
>> Mike wrote:
>> > Also, I have the Cozumel Eagle Ray tape and will send it on to the
>> > next on the list if they will tell me who and where.. :-)
>> Geeez, NOW you tell me!  I  leave for Coz on Sunday, so I won't get to
>> see the tape first!
>I posted about a month ago that I had it and was ready to send it on.
>Nobody replied so I watched it a few more times.. :-)

Still the same number of eagle rays in each squadron.  :-)
>Oh, well, at least you get to see them in person. Maybe KC will send
>it on to you next.......

No, he won't, DEFINITELY, at this time!  He might see one or two
isolated ones, that's all.  The eagle ray mating season (that's when
you see them in squadrons of up to 40 all at once) range from December
to Feb-Mar.

The latest news (both GOOD AND BAD) is that some dive shops are taking
divers to the sites where those rays are found.

Good:  Previously, only private boats dive those sites.

Bad:  The clueless divers (from dive shop boats) chase the eagle rays
      away, rather than wait on the ledge for them to come.

>Have a great trip....

Ditto!  Perhaps those who have watched the video might want to set
up an Eagle Ray NEDfest 01.  :-)  That's Brad, Mike, Jeff, and Dave
that I know for sure.  Sue and I will be there mid-to-late December.

We can charter a boat from one of many shops for whatever size
mini-group we have to the best location to watch.
>> Dive safe [\],
>> -Dave
>> (Whose auto license plate is "EGL RAY")

>Huntsville Alabama

-- Bob.