
Will you post this for me?

Hi all,

I see that there is a thread about Open Skies and Vanguard going here.  I
would like to point out a few things that might show better the 'rest of
the story'.

Vanguard is the first customer of Open Skies since it's inception in 1994
that has chosen to leave Open Skies (out side of bankruptcies and
mergers).   It is important to look at the financial and operational
condition of Vanguard Airlines at this time.   The functionality they have
requested from us that we have chosen not to develop yet - due to other
development priorities and the lack of other airline support - is not going
to help them. It is also important to note that Vanguard was using
our "old" software suite   that has not been added to for about 2 years.

Look at a few of the other Open Skies customers:  Jetblue ( ) in the news today as being one of the most successful
airline startups in aviation history;  Ryanair ( - the most
successful low cost carrier in Europe; Airtran ( - the
airline that has come from one of the worst airlines (after the valuejet
crash) to one of the most profitable and fastest growing airline in the US;
Westjet Airlines (Calgary CA ) - Canada's most successful
airline startup in Canada's history.

Open Skies software is a tool ... some people know how to use tools, others
don't.  We have our limitations and we don't have all the functionality a
40 year old company like Sabre does - but we are miles ahead of Sabre in
other aspects.

This really does not have anything to do with HP hardware or the HP3000.
Our limitations are that we don't have the time or the resources to do
everything for everyone.   We are very pleased with the HP3000 and will
continue to use them.  We have outstanding up and response times.  We have
some airlines booking over 10 million passengers a year on a 989/650.  We
also have the highest percentage of Internet bookings - over 70% for a very
large customer.  The HP3000 is taking millions of internet hits per day.

These opinions are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Open Skies or Navitaire, Inc.
Dave Evans
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 -----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Kubler [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: Disappointing article on Open Skies

I looked at the article and it does sound rather disappointing.  It is
especially so when you know that this is a software design issue and not
related to the hardware available.  Added to this is a realization that
companies often make decisions on out dated information.  I have seen this
several times.  A decision is made to go away from a software solution, but
in fact that solution had never been totally implemented in a proper
manner.  Compounding this, once the decision is made it may be several
years and the functionality that was lacking initially, is now present but
no one will look again.  They have too much of themselves invested to
Jeff Kubler
At 07:46 AM 4/17/01 -0500, Mark Landin wrote:
>Follow this link for an article on an Open Skies customer dropping
>them. If the description of the functionality/limitations of Open
>Skies is true, then I don't blame them:
>I checked and Vanguard Air is listed as a customer on
>If Open Skies is supposed to showcase HP hardware, software, and
>services, and the software is limited in the areas mentioned in the
>article, then I'm embarassed for HP.
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Jeff Kubler
Kubler Consulting, Inc.
Fax: 810-885-1840
email: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

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