Hi all,

I've just installed swat on our HPe3000. When I point IE5.5 at
http://localhost:901/ I get a 'Cannot find server' message. Using
http://HP979:901/ gives me the same message.

I replaced 'root' with 'MGR.SAMBA' in INETDCNF.NET.SYS (no user called root
on MPE/iX is there - duhh).

Tried 'localhost' again and still get the same message, BUT trying
http://HP979:901/ gives me a '401 Bad Authorization' and 'username/password
must be supplied'.

Anybody know what mistake I have made this time?

|Robert W.Mills (Systems Development Manager) |
|Windsong Services, St. Mary Cray, ENGLAND    |
|Tel  : +44 (0)1689 870622 x3005              |
|Fax  : +44 (0)1689 899026                    |
|Email: [log in to unmask]  |

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