On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 13:09:46 -0100, Kuty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>At 12:39 11/04/01 +0200, Gio wrote:
>>I'm in the process to chose my next scuba-liveaboard in june.
>>Howewer, may be for the first time, I have in mind nothing
>>Where to go?
>According to your list, you haven't tried the Caribbeans yet.  The
>Aggressor fleet and the Peter Hughes fleet have a few boats there.  I can
>recommend the Belize Aggressor and the Turks and Caicos Aggressor.
>The water is warm there and the boats are not very crowded.

But you missed the crucial PREFERENCE (prerequisites?) Gio stated:

GM> I'd like to go in an other place and take new pictures for my web
GM> pages on Lions and clown Fishes and also Nudibranchs.

For those, the Caribbean is not in the same league as the Pacific.

There isn't ANY Clownfish (Anemonefish for the purist <G>) nor
Lionfish anywhere in the Caribbean, though there are some locations
that have COMMON Caribbean Nudibrachs not in Giovanni's picture
>BTW, I will probably be on one of the Caribbean liveaboards on June 23-30.
>It is not final yet because I need to get my U.S.A. convension plans first
>but it might be nice to meet you there.

Which liveaboard?  Are you sure berths are still available?  If you
and Giovanni will be there, and space is available, I may go just to
punch BOTH of you in the snorkel (I assume that's an "acceptible",
Politically Correct, and scuba-certified term to use for "snoot"
or "snout')  <BG>

-- Bob.