On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 02:20:05 -0400, Reef Fish
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Mon, 9 Apr 2001 23:14:02 -0500, Meeester Crusty wrote,
>>Yes, same incident!  ...and we heard about it here first in your
>>...oh, and thanks for sharing the recipes. :-)

Russ, Im am pretty sure that is one choice of menu you would politely
decline no matter how it was prepared ;-)
Great to see you back online .. we've missed ya heaps :-)

And, I may have conned .. oh, suggested so nicely they thought it too good
to turn down :-) The Hauer's may join us on the Caymans trip if their
finances survive the battering it is getting while holidaying around this
side of the Pacific. Atleast with our weakening aussie $ they are getting
more value for their USD.

>>Krazy Kiwi wrote:
>>> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 23:32:44 -0400
>>> Subject: An unusual find - dont read if you are queasy/about to eat
>>> especially fish & chips

>Has the Fish & Chips chain been renamed to Fish & Heads after the
>free publicity?  Sleeping mind wants to know before 'heading'
>straight to bed!  :-)
>-- Bob.

Well it may one day Bob. If OZ & NZ became one ie NZ was the West Island of
OZ they could come pretty close to having such a name .. except it would
be 'Running Heads'.  Not long ago a fisherman off NZ pulled in the bottom
part of a womans leg. On her tootsie was a sneaker (runners). A horrid
discovery eh! Wotever happened to Cinderella :-)