On Fri, 6 Apr 2001 11:27:57 -0500, Mike Wallace <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Friday 06 April 2001 10:56 pm, you wrote:
>> I even had a video being circulated (probably in the hands of
>> Mike Wallace by now) to show that the squadrons were no "tall
>> tale".  Brad can vouch for that.   :-)
>Nope... not yet.. :-)

Sheeeeeit!  Now Brad is talking about HIS moving ... so you may
never get it.   ;-))   If he doesn't speak up about this ... I
still have the ORIGINAL which I can copy once I have my crummy
two-video hook-up re-done in Choo Choo ... but that'll be no
earlier than after Easter.

-- Bob.