In article <[log in to unmask]>, Stephens Gary
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Fellow listers,
>One of my customers have a site running a 9x8 MPE 6.5. I want to run Remote
>console. No problem its configured and works happily with reflections etc.,
>However, one of my support staff is using an emulator but can only offer
>VT100 on a very old laptop and as such there is no 'BREAK' key on the
>Question: is it possible for the Break instruction be recorded on another
>machine and sent ?
>          is the Break instruction de-codable to its ESC + xxxx value ?
>Thankfully there is an           Escape key !
>Many thanks
>Gary Stephens
>Windward Solutions Ltd (uk)
FWIW my terminal documentation states that

"In Remote mode, pressing the Break key on its own transmits a 163-180ms
space on the asynchronous 'transmit data' communications line. This
serves as a 'break' signal to interrupt computer operations."

which I think means no :(

Mark Undrill
Affirm Limited