We have been using the HP3000 as a web server since 1995. We started with
the NCSA server, then moved to the OMI web server. Recently we have moved
to the Apache web server. Since we did that we experience some problems.
Most of the request to our web server will result in the execution of our
WebQuery cgi program, which will perform our database queries and updates.
A few times a day, probably when it is busy, the web server returns
an 'Internal server error'. In the log file we see the reason for
this:"Resource busy, try again: couldn't spawn child
process: /WWW/WWW/httpd_1.3/cgi-bin/WebQuery"

It looks like Apache invokes a time out, when then HP does not spawn a cgi
process fast enough. We never experienced this problem with the OMI server.
Has anyone ever had this experience ?
Any suggestions ?
Peter van Boheemen
Wageningen University Library
The Netherlands