Ok, thanks Mark. Will give it a spin next time, didn't know it existed
(oh shame on me, blush blush ;-).

Perhaps then the "guide" should contain a pointer to your script, or
even better, supply the script as a standard download tool from
hpitrc, like unpackp.

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 09:00:59 -0600 (Central Standard Time), Mark Bixby
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>If you use my patchman script for downloading patches, the necessary FTP build
>parms are automatically used.
>        http://www.bixby.org/ftp/pub/mpe/patchman-2.2.sh
>Patchman must be uploaded to your e3000 as a bytestream file in order to
>guarantee smooth operation.
>- Mark B.

Danny A. van Delft   [log in to unmask]