Doug Becker wrote:
> With the HP e3000 providing something like less than 1% of the revenue
picture for HP (if that is correct), there is likely a downward spiral--
albeit slow in this case.

Well, even if I had correct numbers, I would not be able/allowed to
share them in a forum like this group is, but the point is that it
would be hard to get an accurate/fair number of HPe3000-caused share
of HP's numbers.

E.g. If your company buys an XP 512, which hosts storage for multiple
platforms, how would we be able to determine the e3000 part of it ?
The same can be said for any other HP product that somehow networks
with the e3000.

I would still bet on the e3000 earning 'a bigger piece of the cake'
(sorry for the slang) than e.g. HP's digital cameras or Journadas.

> I would be more comfortable with the HP e3000 representing 5% of the
revenue picture, since that would be a point at which there could be
sufficient attention given to CSY by the overall corporation.

Again, I do not have the numbers and I only go back with HP
for a good 10 years now, but I doubt that the 3000 ever had a 5%
of HPs overall numbers.

We will be celebrating 30 years soon, and I have quite some
confidence that we can make it to a 'golden' anniversary.

getting over the 2027 hurdle is beginning to make me more nervous
day by day :-)
