On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 19:43:25 -0100, Kuty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>At 11:36 20/03/01 -0500, Feesh wrote:
>>IF divers are stressed to take RESPONSIBILITY for THEMSELVES,
>>by their trainers, by the dive industry and all related
>>segments of societies, then we WOULDN'T have fine Instructors
>>like Strike (and some other fine instructors and DMs I
>>personally know) dropping out of scuba teaching and dive-
>>guide professional role, because people TEND to blame THEM
>>for mishaps that are mostly (or wholly) the fault of the
>I disagree with this statement.

I think we may have some miscommunication due to "semantics" perhaps?

I said, "people TEND to blame THEM (instructors) for ... the fault

And you had replied:

>I think you placed much of the blame Joe should bear himself
 >on the instructor who just happened to be the dive guide.

Kuty>  First of all, I think that Joe bears most of the blame.

Which was MY point.

Kuty> I argued that fiercely, on the Israeli diving forum, because
Kuty> here people tend to put all the blame on the instructors.

which was ALSO my point.

That seemed "agreement" to me.  But now you say "I disagree".  I
don't quite follow the disagreement part.

> Most people
>tend to "blame" other people, the environment, luck, God and many
>different factors for their mishaps.  Only few tend to understand
>that they are responsible for themselves.  The scuba crowd is just a
>reflection of the human kind in this sense.

That agrees with what I said ALSO, for a scuba diver who is ALIVE.  :-)

Joe is DEAD.  He couldn't very well blame himself (anymore).  But
when it comes to blame-assessment, there is no longer any
psychological deep-theory that says we should blame the INSTRUCTORS
and cause THEM grief.  We couldn't bring Joe back.  But we can
place the blame where it belong to hope for a better and sensible
FUTURE for the LIVE ones.

That's why I noted:

>I think you placed much of the blame Joe should bear himself
 >on the instructor who just happened to be the dive guide.

Kuty>  First of all, I think that Joe bears most of the blame.

Which was MY point.

Kuty> I argued that fiercely, on the Israeli diving forum, because
Kuty> here people tend to put all the blame on the instructors.

which was ALSO my point.

>All we can do is observe, vote for the best candidates for the Darwyn
>awards, and sometimes feel sorry, if we have an emotional weakness :-)
>People will always try to blame anybody but themselves, in the scuba
>industry, as well as in all the other aspects of life.

But I have not known of a case where a DEAD person blames anyone,
himself or otherwise.   :-)   Only the LIVE ones are deadly in
those weaknesses.  ;)

-- Bob.