
I have a question for anyone interested.

Is there an interest in a Terminal Emulator for the HP3000 written in
Delphi (as a Delphi Component, in fact) that can communicate over
Telnet, NS/VT and/or Serial?

As part of our on going effort to "get our customer's off our back" we
have scratched together a HP2392 emulator, Telnet Client and NS/VT
client in Borland's Delphi (Pascal).  It is written as a COMPONENT so
it is really easy to imbed Terminal Emuation into a Delphi project.
I'm looking to find out how far I should take this.  I'm not looking
to sell it, just find out how many developers would like to use it.
It's not quite ready for prime time yet, but I'm willing to invest the
time, if there is enough interest.

If you know Delphi, you may have an idea of what this can do for you.
We now have (using Delphi):
        ODBC calls encapsulated as Image Calls
        KSAM emulator
        MPE Message Catalog Emulator
        Many Misc MPE Intrinsic's
        Simple MPE Command Client/Server
        Simple MPE Spooler Client/Server
        etc ...
All designed to be a frame work for developing applications on the PC
and enhancing the "MPE experience".  I'm thinking about releasing all
the packages as freeware/shareware if there is enough interest.

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