Winston Kriger is 440 percent behind Stan:

> I agree 440% with all Stan's points.  There might be a niche
> for a "crippled" A-class as a low-end box for would-be
> individual developers, schools, etc.,   but it should have a
> 2-user license and sell for about $5000 with Image or
> $3000 with MPE/iX only.

I agree with Winston....  except for respectfully but strongly
disagreeing with one thing:  There should NEVER be an
A-Class or N-Class HP e3000 of any size sold or delivered
without Image/SQL..  and for that matter without the "missing"
ninth out of nine modules for Allbase/SQL.  Only difference
between the Allbase you get with Image/SQL and the Allbase
you pay $$ for is that ninth module;  which allows more than
12 MB of *user* data to go into an Allbase DBE.  I expect
sites with many IMAGESQL users / views may start hitting
that 12 MB limit....

Since HP would like to roll their entire HP e3000 installed
base to an A-Class or N-Class box ASAP, and those boxes
no longer have MPE or Image/SQL license limits (applause),
I propose that bundling the ninth Allbase module with
Image/SQL on *just* the A-and-N-Class boxes would be an
added incentive for sites to upgrade.....    :-)

Ken Sletten
Per SIG3000 meeting, SIGIMAGE Chair for one more year...