
The rub with CGI is statelessness.  You can minimize the startup cost by
holding the database(s) open with another program.  You can eliminate
database startup costs by having that "other program" do all the database
work while maintaining communication with each newly launched CGI.  This
communication can be as simple as a message or pseudo-message file or as
complicated as you wish.


On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 17:09:42 -0800, Sohrt, Jeff <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi all, adding to Frank's question, I also got one along the same topic:
>I've just written a cgi prog in Cobol using Lars example.  I like it, it
>works quickly but the fact is, the program runs, opens the database, does
>its stuff, then terminates which closes the database.  At least that's the
>way I figure it's working.  Is there a way to avoid the constant open/close
>of the db given that web activity is a stateless matter?
>I'm sure Java has a means of doing this, but can it be done in another
>Frank wrote:
>> I am working with APACHE 1.3.4 on my 928 under 6.5 and have been
>> investigating the BASIC V Interpreter as a CGI tool.
>> #!/bin/sh
>> callci basic BTEST
>> No harassment please ... It loads very quickly and is already IMAGE-
>> enabled.
>> When reading the results of an HTML POST, my program only receives the
>> first ~88 bytes / 44 words of data.  For this test, I've tried reading
>> STDIN & STDINX with variations of :
>>   200 DIM R$(240)
>>   210 FILES *
>>   220 SYSTEM H2,"FILE IN1234=$STDIN;REC=-240,1,F,ASCII"
>>   230 ASSIGN "IN1234",1,H2
>>   240 LINPUT #1;R$