We could suggest that HP mention the newsgroup in sales material.

F. Alfredo Rego <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> CNET News.com Dispatch reported:
> 1. Sun rise greets server sector
> Sun Microsystems nudged past IBM in U.S. server
> sales last year, as Big Blue's mainframe revenue fell
> by nearly half. Preliminary U.S. estimates from market
> researcher Dataquest also painted a gloomy picture
> of Hewlett-Packard's server situation: The company
> lost momentum in both units shipped and revenue,
> while all other major competitors posted gains.
> February 13, 2001, 9:25 a.m. PT
> http://two.digital.cnet.com/cgi-bin2/flo?y=eBVM0Gjd60U0aTGV
> The URL contains this tidbit, of interest to those who follow
> the adventures of HP's new "invent" slogan:
>     "In the United States, you would expect HP to be in the top
>     three, not No. 5," Hewitt said. He faulted the company's
>     approach of responding to competitors rather than taking a
>     leadership role.
> What can we (the HP e3000 Community) do to help HP?  We have to
> be inventive and we must take a true leadership role, for sure!
> Fortunately, CSY has wonderfully creative people in Cupertino
> as well as in Boeblingen, in Bangalore as well as in many other
> places all over the world.
> Go, Team e3000.
>   _______________
> |               |
> |               |
> |            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
> |          e    |                           http://www.adager.com
> |        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego
> |      a        |  Manager, R & D Labs
> |    d          |  Adager Corporation
> |  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
> |               |
> |_______________|