On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:43:13 -0600, J. Kelly Cunningham
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Replying to no one in particular:

But everyone in general?  :-)
>I e-mailed the PA II  folks asking how their EPIRB works.  I'll let you
>know if they respond.

I bet even money that my ORIGINAL reply to Christian, and Strike's latest
reply to Lee regarding Christian and the EPIRB, are much closer to
the truth than what was posted by both self-proclaimed experts on the
matter (Lee and Christian) said, put together.

DS> Which assumes, to my way of thinking, that ACR have come up with
DS> a unit capable of being carried to such depths.  (It also suggests
DS> that just perhaps it might be a specially designed locator unit that,
DS> while sharing the same acronym as the Emergency Position Indicator
DS> Radio Beacon is, in fact, something else entirely!!!!)  :-)

><<shakes his head>
>-- kc

< rolls his eyes >

-- Bob.