On Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:20:31 -0600, Mike <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Exactly how could an air intergrated computer know when I'm
>feeling fatigue? The fact that it can monitor air consumption has
>nothing to do with feeling fatigue.

Our replies to Giovanni crossed in mid-air, but we made the same

I even gave him the naked mermaid scenairo.  :-)

>Giavoani, your reliance on your
>air intergrated computers is beyond the absurd.

Mike, I think he got you exasperated!  Who is Giavoani?  :-))

I would hope that
>the only computer you rely on is the one between your ears. Other
>computers can decent tools but reliance on them is a dangerous

I think we have to start calling Giovanni Monsieur Van Gogh, because
he doesn't know WHERE to find the computer between his EARS, cuz
he cut one of them off!   <BWG>

-- Bob.