> > Go look at  http://hp.com/go/e3000 to register for the
> > webinar on 2/14/01.  It's quoted as being HP's biggest
> > 3000 event in the last 5 years.
> That's the last day of SIG3000.  Is HP going to somehow
> accomodate the attendees?

I've been so busy with "real work" that I haven't followed all
SIG3000 details as closely as in years past....  And I don't
want to "spill any beans" before their time (honestly don't
recall OTT what is and isn't going to be made public prior to
SIG3000)....   So how about for right now if I just say:  Rest
assured:  SIG3000 attendees on 14 Feb 01 ("Database Day")
will NOT be left out in the cold.....      ;-)     .....  I sure don't
want any prospective SIGIMAGE / SIGHPSQL attendees to
think they have to skip the SIG meetings in order not to miss
the above "big event".....

Ken Sletten