This is my display for the gateway in NMMGR.  Do you have an "@" in IP
Network address? This defines that the system should use this gateway to
route to all IP addresses making this the default gateway.  You may also
want to do an nslookup on the system ip address.  Check the root DNS name
and make sure your nodename is the same.  I had a DNS alias in for my
nodename which caused cstm and apache to fail.

NMMGR/3000 (B.06.05) #158  Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
Data: Y
Enter data and press SAVE DATA. Press NEXT SCREEN to continue.

[A 010 211.010.001]  Neighbor Gateway IP Internet Address

                        Configured Reachable Networks

         IP Network Address      IP Mask (Optional)    Hops
         [@                ]     [               ]     [1    ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]
         [                 ]     [               ]     [     ]

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