In message <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] writes
>John Clogg <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Ah, but "persist" is a verb... just not a transitive one!
>What's next, the passive voice?
>"My data are persisted in an Image data base."
>Hmmm.  Sounds like the beginning of a new Dr. Seuss best-seller.

Nope. The next is collective nouns, whereby 'data' has been promoted
from the mere plural of 'datum'. So the above seems odder for its use of
'are' than for the passive.

Mind you, the 'My data' sentence appears at first to parse in a similar
way to the different, but uncontroversial "the view has persisted in
some circles that 'data' is still only correct as a plural".

Chomp on that, Noam!
Roy Brown        'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be
Kelmscott Ltd     useful, or believe to be beautiful'  William Morris