We homeschool too.

I would prefer a tax credit (not deduction) over vouchers. We don't need
yet another government program meddling in private matters. It is my job
to educate my children. I may choose to delegate some of that work to a
teacher. But *I* choose, not the state.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't our 'education system' start with
the one room school house? Wasn't the teacher selected by the
parents/community? Public education now thinks it can usurp the
authority of the parent to indoctrinate children into the state's
liberal agenda. This is true brainwashing.

BTW it's the parent's job to feed their children, not the school/state.
Forcing you to pay taxes to fund this is the same as your next door
neighbor coming to your house with a peace officer demanding your money
to feed them. I choose which charities to give to, not the state.

Tim Herrin wrote:
> My sister teaches fifth grade in our public schools.  She does an excellent
> job, and her students are very blessed to have her for a teacher.  I'm sure
> there are many other public shcool teachers just like her.  I don't mind
> paying taxes to help support our public schools.
> My wife and I have five children and we are homeschooling them.  My wife does
> an excellent job, and our children are very blessed to have her for their
> teacher.   I'm thankful that we have the freedom in North Carolina to teach
> our own children with the curriculum of our choice. We would rather pay taxes
> and pay for our children's schooling ourselvs than to have the government pay
> for it and mandate what we teach them.
> --
> Tim