May all our children (and adults) be 'brainwashed' with such dangerous
ideas as:

Obey your parents.
Don't murder.
Don't steal.
Don't lie.
Don't cheat on your spouse.
Treat others as you would have them treat you.

We took the bible out of public schools in, IIRC, 1962. The totally
predicatble outcome of vastly decreased morals and increase in crime has

John Dunlop wrote:
> Wayne Brown <[log in to unmask]> wrote :
> [snip]
> > I'm raising my children to believe that a commitment to Biblical morality and
> > doctrine, and above all, a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, are the most
> > important decisions they will ever make; that no success is worth having unless
> > it is consistent with the Christian life; that the whole point of existence is
> > to bring individuals into a closer relationship with God, and that nothing that
> > does not contribute to that goal is, in the long run, worthwhile.
> Well, you have your own beliefs which obviously are not shared by
> everyone.
> Seems a shame to brainwash them so young, though.
> Cheers,
> JD