Thanks, Wayne, I couldn't have said it better.

P.S. On the subject of blackouts, I propose a new bumper sticker for us

                             GOT POWER?

Wayne Brown wrote:
> On the contrary, I think vouchers stand for the notion that people who don't use
> the public educational system shouldn't have to pay for it.  If I send my
> children to private school, then I pay their tuition PLUS paying for everyone
> else's kids (with my taxes).  Rather than vouchers, I'd prefer that families who
> don't make use of public schools simply be exempted from paying whatever
> percentage of their taxes goes to fund education.
> I'm raising my children to believe that a commitment to Biblical morality and
> doctrine, and above all, a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, are the most
> important decisions they will ever make; that no success is worth having unless
> it is consistent with the Christian life; that the whole point of existence is
> to bring individuals into a closer relationship with God, and that nothing that
> does not contribute to that goal is, in the long run, worthwhile.  It really
> bothers me that not only must I send them to government-run schools that try to
> teach them the opposite of all this, but that I'm forced to foot the bill for it
> as well.
> Wayne