Python, like Perl, is an excellent utility (or "glue") language.  I use
it on the HP system for tasks that aren't well-suited to the CI,
especially tasks that require collating or organizing.  In tasks such as
these, the dictionary (or "hash") variables show the incredible strength
of the newer scripting languages.  (Now there's an idea -- How about
some native CI functions to access Image and KSAM?)  It's also a great
language for doing CGI, accessing the web for real-time stuff -- stock
prices, the weather, grabbing pdf files from Jazz, etc. -- doing SMTP or
POP e-mail, acting as a simple webserver, etc.

An older (but very usable) version of Python (1.51) is what's currently
available, and to my knowlege there have been no new developments on
getting 1.52 or later ported, but I may be wrong.  Some folks are
testing JPython on MPE (when we have the time <sigh>), which is a newer
version of Python written in Java, as opposed to C.

For what it's worth, I like Python very much, and consider it an
excellent addition to our scripting tools.  It has a fairly low learning
curve, is easy to use, very quick to develop with, extensible and
powerful.  I hope you enjoy it.


>>> Jim McCoy <[log in to unmask]> 01/21/2001 11:04:41 PM >>>
I am starting to play around with Python on my NT server.  I was
how it is being used on the e-3000.
Also, I saw an old article that said an Image database interface is
soon".  Has that arrived yet?


Jim Mc Coy

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