You might need a file eq before running the program to allow concurrent

:FILE rpgfile=actual_file,old;shr

Where rpgfile is the program logical file name, actual_file is the real file
on disc(MPE name)

If that fails then the owner of the file in question has exclusive rights.
Try a LISTF filename,8 to see who is owning the file during the failure

Gary Sielaff <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> I try to run a program and I get an rpg error "file not available for
access.  mpe error "Security violation fserr93.
> My capabilitites are nd,sf,ba,ia.  When I run god at my sign on then the
program runs.  My question (and I bet you are thinking.... Its about time)
what capabilities do I need to run the program.  The program capabilities
are ba,ia,mr.
> tia
> gls
> mlw