Jeff notes:

> We were sort of "forced" to move to host-based telnet after
> we ran above the limit of 40 sessions on our DTC TAC (or
> 80 depending on the model).  At the end of our 960's life we
> were running 100+ host based sessions on 5.5 (latest
> patches) and no obvious degradation.
> If you haven't tried it lately, give it a shot.  I did have somewhat
> of a bumpy introduction, especially in beta, but has matured
> rather beautifully.

The number of host-based TELNET sessions we run on our
959-400 is small enough that it's not a fair test of anything (all
end-users access the 3000 with our in-house client);  I have
never noticed TELNET putting any significant load on our
3000....  I will just add that I *think* the 6.5 EXP/PP-2 TELNET
includes support for Advanced TELNET..  For QCTerm users,
this is another good reason to go to host-based...

Ken Sletten