Barry pointed out another deja vu all over again:

> At 3:43 PM +0530 12/19/00, B T Vikram Kumar wrote:
> >See
> If you click on the very first link on that page, "software
> strategy", it takes you to a nifty graphic that looks like an
>apartment building. At the bottom of the graphic you can see
> a "Multi-OS Foundation". If you then click the "multi OS
>foundation" link at the bottom of that page you see...that's
> right, you guessed mention of MPE/iX.  :-(

Maybe it's my day for tilting at windmills, but just to see what if
any response I would get:  Following phone and URL links on
HP's e-services site (not CSY), I sent HP an email and left
them a voicemail, asking them to add MPE/iX to their "Multi-OS
foundation" list under above URL..........   I'll let y'all know how
e-responsive that part of HP is....

One positive glimmer:  When you dial the phone number
listed on the "contact HP" web page you get to from above
URL, the machine says ~~ "hit one for HP-UX;  hit 2 for
MPE;  call another number for Laserprinters" (or whatever it

Ken Sletten