As someone who several months ago harangued third-party
vendors in general about making it easier to install their
products on user volumes instead of the <long_name>, I now
give an "attaboy" to Lund Performance Solutions (no <plug>
since zero financial interest;  just a customer):  I just installed
the latest versions of DeFrag/X and Toolbox utilities on our 959,
and the new interactive Lund install script is one of the best I
have ever seen:  Makes it easy to install their products on the
user volume of your choice....  Their script also does a nice
job of reporting what it is doing at intermediate steps along the
way;  and of asking "O.K. to proceed" at appropriate points.

They get extra points for NOT disturbing any of my existing
passwords in the LPS and LPSTOOLS accounts.

The only thing I noticed where they could gain even a few
more extra points:   The Lund script helpfully notes "This
GROUP is no longer needed.  You may want to PURGE it."
for all groups in their accounts that are now obsolete.  That is
a nice feature.....  My "added value" suggestion:

*IFF* the user specified to install the product(s) on a user
volume, in addition to the "no longer needed.  You may want
to PURGE", I would add something like:

"Since <group_name> is on the <volume_name> volume set,
remember to do PURGEGROUP twice:  Once with and once
without the "; ONVS=<volume_name>" suffix...

:-) ,
Ken "big fan of user volumes" Sletten