Many more than two possibilities. My guess is that of the
dead/registered more than once/illegal alien/felon/you name it voters,
more of them were democrats than republicans. Why no, I can't prove it.
But if the dems *know* there are more votes for Gore, could it be
because they saw to it that there would be and can't understand who
botched it?

Andrew Schriber wrote:
> <bunch of stuff snipped >
> >Counties won by Bush: 2,434
> >Counties won by Gore: 677
> >
> >Population of counties won by Bush: 143 million
> >Population of counties won by Gore: 127 million
> One other Fact Gore one the popular vote.
> This says one of two things happened.
> 1. The percent turn out in all the counties was the same, then Bushes
> margin of victory in the counties he won was less then Gore's in the
> counties he won.
> or
> 2.  The counties in which Gore won had a higher turn out, and a more active
> voter population, and Bush won by winning those counties were citizens did
> not wish to exercise their right to vote.
> In either case, I do not see how this adds legitimacy to his election.
> Peace
> Andy Schriber