Whether John's (or Wirt's) number(s) are true or not, I think everyone
will agree that my 5'2" 70+ year old mother is no match for any man that
wants to do her harm. If she has a gun however (whether the attacker
does or not), the battle is now much more evenly matched.

Wirt Atmar wrote:
> Dave writes:
> > Please try to find a verifiable source for this.....
> >
> >  People tend not to believe the NRA's numbers either, but those numbers are
> >  almost always taken from, and verifiable to, governmental agencies such as
> >  the FBI.
> The problem with John's statistics isn't whether or not they're "true" or not
> in the literal sense, they're simply misleading non sequitirs.
> Much more to the point is that 4.1844 times more meteorites fall every year
> in the counties won by Bush than they do on the counties won by Gore. And
> even more alarming is the fact that the very much the same thing is true of
> airplane crashes, although the ratio of Bush:Gore crashes is even higher.
> The questions you have to ask yourself then are: what the heck are the people
> out there in Bush country doing to attract so many meteorites? And are we
> going to let these people continue to knock airplanes out of the air the way
> they are now? Shouldn't we be doing something to stop this blatantly criminal
> activity? Where are the people with guns when you really need them?
> Wirt Atmar