"Simonsen, Larry" wrote:
> I just received an e-mail reply for this reported problem ( reported via the
> ESC web page and replied via e-mail, wow for you Stan)
> It is a known problem and there is an SR 5003454934 on it and there is a
> patch name affixed (MPELXC2).  The first beta test revealed a less than
> complete patch. I am Hoping for a beta patch soon.

It was NOT 'less than complete', someone has misinterpreted something
The reason for reworking the original 6.0 MPELXC2-A version was to
an _additional_ fix.
Matter of fact was that we found a new (very small timing window)
system hang deadlock when doing ALTJOB;JOBQ, and since we had already
2 problems addressed in -A version we thought it would reduce overhead
to add a 3rd fix (in the same area of code).

This has in fact delayed the delivery of the original patch to beta
for about 4 weeks ( mainly because it was tough to setup the test
to hit that small timing window ), but if we would have had to start
an extra patch for this deadlock problem, it would have been delivered
much later and at a greater resource cost to the lab.

As I posted a few minutes ago - replying to the other thread - the
new beta MPELXC2-C is now availabe from your Response Center.

Hope this helps,
