On Fri, 28 Apr 2000 15:00:58 -0600, Tony White <[log in to unmask]>

>I am trying to run gcc from the MPE/iX ci to compile a file in the MPE
>space, and I get the following error:
>[HP929:MGR.DEVELOP,SAMPLES]:run /usr/local/bin/gcc;info="-xc HELLO"
>collect2: cannot find `ld'
>: Internal compiler error: program collect2 got fatal signal 33
>The file looks like this:
>[HP929:MGR.DEVELOP,SAMPLES]:print hello
>#include <stdio.h>
>main() {
> printf("hello Tony!\n");
>however in the shell:
>shell/iX> gcc -xc HELLO
>Things work nice. I'm sure this is something stupid I'm doing or missing.
>Can someone shed light on my ignorance?
>Tony White

I am sure Tony already has his answer, but I will post this for the
benefit of others like myself who may search the archives for mention of
this problem.

I also got the error

Collect2: cannot find `ld'
:Internal compiler error: program collect2 got fatal signal 33

when I tried to compile my first Hello, World program using gcc.  The
problem was that I had missed the last part of the installation
instructions, which state

Once the tools are installed you need to add the following to your .profile:

# Include /usr/local/bin to pick up the GNU tools.

export PATH='/bin:/usr/local/bin:.'

alias -x make="/usr/local/bin/make"

export CC=gcc
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man
export MAKE=/usr/local/bin/make

After following these instructions, my program compiled and runs both in
the shell and at the CI prompt.

Hope this helps other gcc newbies.

Nick Saner
Gaiam, Inc.
(303) 222-3656