Thank you Cathlene.  No, I did not really get any reply to this.  Thank you
for providing the links.  In the meantime, we have decided to pursue a third
party solution.  Thanks for your response.


Cathlene Mc Rae <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> >Dear Listers,
> >
> >Given that one must define the uniqueness of a record in an IMAGE detail
> >dataset in order to perform an update via ODBCLink/SE and given that
> >ODBCLink/SE requires one to access IMAGE via IMAGE/SQL, how does one
> >IMAGE detail datasets via ODBCLink/SE?  The chapter in the ODBCLink/SE
> >describes updating data refers to the HOSTCONF utility which is, as far
> I
> >can see, not bundled in ODBCLink/SE.  Have I missed something?
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >Jim McIntosh
> >[log in to unmask]
> Jim,
> Did you get an answer to your question about updating image with
> odbclink/se.
> Ok...
> 1) you must have created an SQLDBE and attached it to your image database.
>    see more details in KBRC00000477 and  KBRC00000223 and KBRC00001760
>          (ITRC-->> )
> imagesql
> >>set sql musicdbe
> DBE does not exist, do you want to create one? [Y/N] : y
> Creating DBE now ...
> >>set turbo music.database.mcrae
> >>attach
> Mapped 1 source table/source field name(s) (ATCWARN 32062).
> By default users have only mode 5 (read) access to the image database.
> The DBA must update all users to have mode 1 or add new users with mode 1
> to allow them to do update the image database with sql or odbclink/se.
> >>update user mgr@acct with pass=MGR, mode=1
> or
> >>add user user@acct with pass=MGR, mode=1
> Once a user has mode 1 access to the sqldbe which is attached to the image
> database, updates can be done with ISQL, MS ACCESS, VISUAL BASIC, ETC.
> The current version of odbclink/se is 58.03 and is available from the
> patch web site.
> I hope this answers your question.
> Regards
> Cathlene Mc Rae