Coombs, Darryl <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> I apologise in advance for this question but I can't seem to figure out
> to copy multiple files from one group to another.  The copy command
> take wildcards (why????).  I've looked at the command reference, the FAQ
> the list archives and I'm starting to think I'm losing my mind (very
> possible) that something so basic should be so hard to find.

I expect you can do this using the Posix shell, but I'll leave the
explanation to others as I never use this myself.

Do you have Vesoft's mega-utility MPEX on your system?  (Try typing MPEX to
find out).
That will take wildcards and many other selection criteria besides.  No
HP3000 should be without it.

Chris Dunlop
MIS, ITCS, UEA, Norwich.
[log in to unmask]
