On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 Reef Fish <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 David Strike <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Viv!  What a great collection of little known facts.  :-)
>>On Monday, October 30, 2000 8:38 PM, Krazy Kiwi wrote:
>Of course WE DO!

No comment ;-)) About bleedin time you got home you lil getabout :-)
I had lost track of where you were.

>>I have a great 'Tall Tale' to tell about this - but it'll have to
>>wait until my return!  :-)
>I have lots of 'Tall Tales' to tell -- but they'll have to wait until
>my return from Rio de Janeiro where, according to da Krazy Kiwi, I am
>supposed to find the wimmin folks on the beach covering their noses
>with their bikini because of tons of sardines that migrated on shore
>and were no longer able to fart.

Im quite sure Bob that the on-the-nose problem has long gone.
That unusual migration report was months ago :-)
Have fun under the sun in Rio :-))

>Our second trip to London was a gas! Because of late booking, we stayed
>in arguably the WORST Hilton in the world (the London Hilton MEWS) which
>cost $220 USD a night, but worth about a Motel 6 at $10 a night.

In my country 'a gas' is something really funny ... but by the looks of
your quick note it wasnt ... more a commedy of errors :-((

>Moving into the new house in Choo Choo country is actually FUN.  I have
>made so many 230-mile one-way trips between my houses in SC and TN that
>my last return trip took only 2 hr. 45 minutes, averaging slightly over
>80 mph on the 215 miles of I-85 and I-75.  Nah, they bears don't pick
>on mini-vans -- they feast only BMWs and other sporty cars.  Besides,
>even trucks drive at those speeds.

Well speedy-gonzales .. I hope you have not packed that Coral Sea Dreaming
away too deep in one of your boxes as someone on the list may want to view
it :-))

>None of the above qualify as Tall Tales.

I await your tall-tales with baited breath :-))
Ciao Viv