Considering that IBM was stuck right in the middle of survey questions
number 5c and 7, and considering they were sticking stuff under hotel doors
all during the conference, my bet is that they are sponsoring the survey to
see if they can get some of HP's business.

"F. Alfredo Rego" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> At 4:04 PM -0700 10/5/00, Gary Jackson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Alfredo-
> >
> >I, too, was taken aback by the lack of mention of MPE/iX.  This
> >began was originally ONLY for HP3000 users.
> As organized by the HP3000 International Users Group, which became
> Interex :-)
> >I put the dollar bill in my wallet,
> So did I.
> >and I'm thinking about whether or not to send in the form.
> I SENT the form, with my name and contact information clearly stated.
> They want to know, and they WILL know.  Remember that I wrote, in
> big red letters:  "No MPE/iX mentioned.  Forget your survey."
> I probably did not answer what they wanted to hear.  But people learn more
> from what they don't want to hear :-)
> I love surveys.  They provide a great opportunity.
> --
>   _______________
> |               |
> |               |
> |            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
> |          e    |                 
> |        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego
> |      a        |  Manager, R & D Labs
> |    d          |  Adager Corporation
> |  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
> |               |
> |_______________|