Wilkinson, Mark <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> http://www.notifyus.com/

Along a similar vein, and similarly off topic, I bought a new cellphone last
week. Its dual-mode, text message- and internet-capable. For example, I can
lookup telephone numbers on a directory service, and get turn-by-turn
directions from anywhere to that address. Better still, the cellphone has
its own e-mail address, and can display text e-mail messages. So it becomes
trivially easy to write operations jobstreams that will alert me, day or
night, if they need attention, by firing off an e-mail message to my phone.

Is this going to put a whole industry of monitoring/paging/event alert
vendors out of business?

Best of all, the unit cost me $70 (Canadian!) after rebates ($50 call
voucher and $30 cash-back rebate), and is pay-as-you-go, so I pay only for


Hans Hendriks    Technical Support
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc  (888) 762-3553
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