> 1. Hiding commands from being displayed on Reflection screen.
> I am using Reflection to connect to the HP3K machine running MPE and I
> have some commands such as dscopy that needs the password to be
> included into the command-line making it visible to the everyone.
> Therefore, I was wondering if there is a way to run a command on the
> host without displaying the command on the terminal, only the output
> is displayed. Much like the way the RUN PCLINK2.PUB. something for
> Reflection File Transfer actually runs the command on the host, but
> the actual command is not echoed on the screen, but if you do a
> listredo, you can see that command in the history.
Use the Reflection commands as outlined in Andrew Pilz's reply, or simply
put OPTION NOLIST on your HP3K command file.

> 2. PCL Reset printout (a little off-topic)
> We are sending PCL forms into the HP printers memory and all along it was
working fine. We used the command SPOOLF with the PRINT option to send a PCL
encoded FORM format file to the HP Laser printer and it
> just goes into the Printer's memory. Lately however, we have been
> experiencing problems with a newer HP printers. They keep printing a
> page for each form we spool to the printer. The printout is as
> follows:
>      @PJL RESET
>                     @PJL EOJ NAME = "User: root; Job:psgbp130-2065"
> We dunno why this is happening with the new printers. Have anyone come
> accross this problem? The PCL FORM format file was created with the
> application called JETFORM. Anyway, this was not a problem before, but
> only now. Any printer + MPE gurus got some idea on this, please let me
> know any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The evolution of PCL & PJL seem to be getting you on this; your method seems
to involve deliberately EXcluding printer resets at the end of downloading
your FORM and at the beginning of your REPORT.

A solution: Treat the "PCL FORM" file as an environment file, as in...
...which will cause the spooler to preface OUTPUT with PCLFORMFILE when it
dumps to the LASERJET.

Good luck!
Tracy Pierce