Fortran77 programmer(s) needed.

Problem Solved, located in Vacaville CA, is an HP e3000 platform tool vendor and consulting firm focusing on Summit Information Systems' client credit unions. Visit our website:

We are developing a software product in VPLUS/Fortran77 to run on top of Summit's flagship Spectrum product.

We have the product specifications and screen logic pseudocode written, have designed and created the database, have coded the shell software and have written a few of the screens, but simply don't have enough resources to complete this project before its deadline.

We are looking for one to three strong Fortran77 programmers to help us get the coding completed by the middle to end of October. Beginning with configuration screens (simple data validation and database record population), we will move forward to reporting screens (database querying and output formatting, written to flat files in the MPE space), and finally to transaction screens (field tested data manipulation screens). Coding and documentation requirements will be provided.

VPLUS screen design and Fortran transaction processing programming experience is required.  Interested parties or for additional information, please contact us at [log in to unmask] with "FORTRAN PROGRAMMER" as the subject.

For consideration, we will need the following from you: your contact information (name, address, email, telephone), your availability, a description of your experience/references (resume attachment accepted as .doc, .rtf, .txt, .htm, or .pdf), your connectivity requirements (unless you have another development platform available to you), your standard rates and billing method preference, and 1099 disclosure requirements.

We hope to hear from you soon,

Russ Smith, Systems Consultant
Problem Solved, Vacaville, CA
r s m i t h @ c u - h e l p . c o m
h p 3 k - l @ e - 3 0 0 0 . n e t