In article <[log in to unmask]>,
  Paul Christensen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Am passing on a question from someone else as I have never tried to do
this with
> our RF terminals.
> He is trying to create a barcode for the enter key.   He thinks the
> for an enter key is ^M
> but that does not work.  Only the M appears on the screen.
> Anyone ever tried to make up a barcode for the enter key on a Norand
> terminal?

There are lots of different bar code types. Some let you encode the
enter key and some don't. Which one are you interested in? If you are
using bar code 128, subset A, the letter "m" represents the enter
key. In the FULL ASCII mode of bar code 3/9 or bar code 93, it is a
two letter combination. Our web site has a tutorial on bar code types-
what you can encode and how to use them. Plus we offer free bar code
font evaluation sets. For more info visit:
Bob Baddle

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