OK, what IS Harmonics?

Randall's idea looks like a runner as two new UPS devices for the network
servers appeared recently so I am investigating.

I eventualy found a brief overview on UPS in Communicator 5 (It would help
if I checked the whole web box when doing my searches)

On Tue, 5 Sep 2000 12:19:07 -0700, Larry Barnes <[log in to unmask]>

>Randall Davis wrote:
>> I don't know if this is applicable to your situation, but if you have a
>> room covering UPS, then you can get into a situation where the room UPS
>> the HP3000 UPS can interfere with each other (harmonics?).  In some
>> this will cause the UPS on the HP3000 to alternate between battery power
>> and A/C power.  Eventually, the battery on the HP UPS will deteriorate to
>> the point where it can no longer supply adequate power.  I saw this
>> situation recently, and was able to remove the HP UPS before it caused an
>> outage.

> Jim Phillips
>> I, also, would be interested in these items.  If anyone has any info,
>> please
>> post to the list or copy me as well.  HP doesn't seem to be too
>> in the UPS's anymore, having sloughed off the support to a third-party...