I firmly agree with you.  I have noticed also that this individual has
consistently tried to "get underneath everybody's skin" and
unfortunately....it's working.  I have been a "quiet" member of this list
for almost a year now and I cannot believe the uncomfortable and
unproductive atmosphere that has been created.  The members of this list
have always been polite, friendly and helpful.  Not once has this individual
submitted one email that has even come close to a productive list
contribution.  I find it unfortunate that this person is getting such
pleasure in provoking the many members that have contributed so much to this
list in the past.  If this person is going to continue, then I ask with all
sincerity to please contribute only helpful suggestions and to stop with the
insulting remarks.  If you don't have anything nice to say....

Jennifer "I hate to even get involved" Ramaglia

> ----------
> From:         Joseph Rosenblatt[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Reply To:     Joseph Rosenblatt
> Sent:         Friday, August 25, 2000 9:12 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: [HP3000-L] Mr. Shawn Gordon
> Cortlandt Wilson asks:
> >Dsilva,
> >I don't get it.   Are you serious or trying to make a joke?
> And Donna Garverick writes:
> > ..i think as a whole we've become somewhat argumentative and more touchy
> than normal.
> I personally think both things are related. There have been certain people
> lately (one in particular) that have been posting messages without
> substance
> that are rude, demeaning and argumentative. We on the list do get
> combative
> on occasion but we generally play by certain undeclared rules. We all know
> these rules they are part of mature expression of ideas. Some of the
> postings coming from the source.
> This is a case of a child  trying to play with adults. The child thinks
> they
> understand the game but in reality it they have only picked up a small
> portion of the outer glitz. The child thinks they are playing the same
> game
> but in fact what they are doing bears as much similarity to the real game
> as
> a can of tomato sauce bears to a fine marinara sauce. This was certainly
> evidenced by one post yesterday in which this poster basically said that
> his
> "big brother(s)" could beat us up(figuratively I'm sure though maybe not).
> I have avoided responding to this persons posts because I have believed
> that
> to do so would only encourage him/her to seek further attention through
> ruder and sillier posts. I still believe that we should not encourage this
> child to seek negative attention. I believe we should not respond to these
> negative posts. If this poster wants attention let them earn it by acting
> like a  responsible member of this community.
> I know that I have no right to chastise anyone, especially not on issues
> of
> maturity. I too have felt that there has been a deterioration in the level
> of civility on the list lately. I would hate to think that anyone is
> afraid
> to post a question, thought or idea due to fear that they will receive a
> rude response.
> If anyone wishes to disagree with me please, I beg you for the reasons
> stated above, do so offline.
> Apologetically,
> Joseph Rosenblatt