Check your INETDCNF.NET.SYS configureation file.
You appear to have bootps enabled.

You can disable that "process" by putting a "#" in front of that line.
# Internet server configuration database
echo         stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
echo         dgram  udp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
daytime      stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
daytime      dgram  udp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
time         stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
time         dgram  udp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
discard      stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
discard      dgram  udp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
chargen      stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
chargen      dgram  udp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
#telnet       stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS internal
#bootps       dgram  udp wait   MANAGER.SYS /SYS/NET/BOOTPD bootpd
#tftp         dgram  udp wait   USER.TFTP /SYS/NET/TFTPD tftpd
ftp          stream tcp nowait MANAGER.SYS /SYS/ARPA/FTPSRVR ftpsrvr

Here I have disabled telnet, bootps, and tftp.

Bootp is a process that will assign IP addresses to requesting devices, such
as JetDirect boxes
when powered up. You probably already have a DHCP service running on a PC
server that
does this for you.

You can search the archives for recent postings about bootp and how to
configure your HP
to do that task (I haven't got there yet)!

> _____________________________________________________________
> Keven Miller   mailto:[log in to unmask]