"Stan Sieler" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> The opening keynote speaker at HP World 2000 is Al Franken.
> Hmmm... http://www.speaking.com/speakers/alfranken.html
> indicates that the cost of getting Al Franken as a speaker is in
> the $20 K to $25 K range.
> That's 20 *THOUSAND* to 25 *THOUSAND* dollars.
> Why in the hell is Interex spending our money this way?

Stan, you obviously haven't tried to book a large conference keynote
speaker lately. It is the GOING RATE.

> Who's having a power-trip ("I/we must be important, we've got
> a big name speaker)?

HP World is an industry-leading conference. This is par for the
course. No power trip involved, just competitive reality. Perhaps
you remember Scott Adams, one of our previous keynotes. Why don't
you go check HIS rates and then get back to us.

> Does Interex *really* think that hundreds of extra *paying* attendees
> will show up because of him?

No, no one is going to make a decision to attend based on the keynote
alone. Nor are they going to make that decision based on the party,
or the lunches, or the material of the t-shirts. But if you miss the
mark on any one of those things (and thousands of others), the overall
conference experience is less than it might have been, which translates
directly to repeat business.

> I'm not renewing my membership.


- Greg
Greg Cagle
Tigard, OR
gregc at gregcagle dot com