In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

> I personally think a slightly different approach which actually uses
> the current 'lack of visibility' may actually generate the desirable
> reverse affect.  Congratulating HP for being low-key about the HPe3000,
> the key to 'our business success over our competitors' might actually
> generate interest.  If potential high-level corporate people start
> inquiring at their corresponding levels in HP, the HP folks may very
> will have to be in a position to talk/extol about the HP3eK.  This
> seems to be a more tactful method than using this ad vehicle to make
> it look like HP's CEO doesn't know about/acknowledge one of their
> products.  The later approach may generate some difficulties.

I also agree. I like the positive tone (at least it appears positive to
"outsiders") while insiders get the "real" tone. It certainly sheds a
better light on HPe3000s to users that have never heard of them... and
sounds less like a bunch of desperate, bitter customers...

I also like the idea of NOT cluttering the ad up with logos or URLs
(other than the HP3000 site and perhaps a site listing those that
contributed). Still, I would also like to see (just) the names of all
the contributors, perhaps in very small/light type as a "background" to
the rest of the ad...

Chris (will be sending in my CC# in a few minutes) Bartram