Regarding the ad idea, and people wanting to add "meat" to the "message:"

I think there is such a thing as trying to do too much with one ad.  I
think if too much information is in it readers might skip over it
completely.  You not only want to get people's attention, you really want
to make them aware than this was customer driven

Coming from the non-tech point of view, may I suggest the letter in a large
font, followed by the logo/slogan in a smaller font thusly (I've made some
minor adjustments to the text):

        "Dear Carly:

        We like the HP e3000 that Hewlett-Packard
        invented 25 years ago so much that
        we took out a full-page ad in
        The Wall Street Journal to tell you.

        MPE/iX users worldwide*

P.S.  Your turn next:  Don't be bashful
about telling everyone how the HP e3000
uses MPE/iX and Image/SQL to run their
online retailing and credit unions, and
sells them their airline tickets.  Tell
them they can find more information

(owl image) HP e3000.  Who knew?


Julie Bixby
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