I think I may take a somewhat more cynical veiw of the problem.  I will
assume HP does indeed attempt aggressively take steps to protect and
grow their investors stock.  However, they are still basically an
engineering company,  and somewhere near the top, they've got that
horrible dreaded engineering disease which causes them to chase after
the latest, geekish ideas. For example,  BCS, DOS, DOSM, DOSIII, RTE,
then MPE (early HP history).  In more recent years MPEiX, HP-UX,
WindowsNT/2000 and now Linux.

So they really are not just ignoring the MPEiX market, they just so busy
chasing the rainbow, that they've forgotten what Kansas really looks
like.... :-)

Jim Phillips wrote:
> F. Alfredo Rego <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> > HP's Corporate Executives are smart people.  They must have very powerful
> > reasons for NOT wanting to mention MPE in public.
> <snip>
> > A very powerful reason is MONEY:  MPE makes good money for HP and, if
> > HP's Corporate Executives mentioned MPE in public every now and then,
> Alfredo has "hit the nail on the head" so-to-speak.  The main motivation for
> most commercial enterprises, and especially one so large as HP, is
> increasing share-holder wealth, which is as it should be.  Obviously, HP
> feels that the best way for them to do this is by not touting the benefits
> of the HPe3000.  No business does something from altruistic motives.  If we
> want HP to start talking about the HPe3000 publicly, we need to show them
> how doing so is going to impact the "bottom line".  Otherwise we will
> continue to receive "lip service" from the HP brass
> > to "appease the demands of the protesters" -- during keynote
> > speeches at HP World, whether videotaped or "live" :-)
> and nothing substantive in the way of real change in their public conduct.
> Extrapolating from HP's recent public comments, they obviously are committed
> to another avenue (i.e., NT, Linux, Unix, etc.) as the computing platform of
> tomorrow.  We need to show them how the HPe3000 can be the computing
> platform of tomorrow as well as today and yesterday.  Also, I think the
> following quotation is applicable here:
> "Never appeal to a man's better nature.  He may not have one.  Invoking his
> self interest gives you more leverage. - Robert A. Heinlein"
> Jim Phillips                            Manager of Information Systems
> E-Mail: [log in to unmask]     Therm-O-Link, Inc.
> Phone: (330) 527-2124                   P. O. Box 285
>   Fax: (330) 527-2123                   10513 Freedom Street
>   Web: http://www.tolwire.com  Garrettsville, Ohio  44231